Fix: Geforce Experience Black Screen in Windows 10

If you’re having problems with Geforce Experience after updating the app or installing a fresh copy from Nvidia’s website, just know that you’re not alone. I also had this problem after re-installing Geforce Experience in Windows 10.

As it turns out, a lot of Nvidia owners have reported this problem, particularly after being prompted to install a new driver version with Geforce Experience. The symptom of this issue is the Geforce Experience window showing a completely black screen. Some users have reported that in-game FPS using ShadowPlay has stopped working after encountering this bug.

Note: You might also encounter a similar black screen while using browsing apps such as Chrome or File Explorer.  If that’s the case, you have even more reasons to follow the guidelines below and eliminate the issue.

From my investigations, it appears that the latest version of the Intel Graphics Driver is conflicting with Geforce experience and produces this error. Below I’ll show you what fix eliminated the black screen in my situation. I’ve also included a few other suggestions that other users have been reporting as being effective.

In the methods that follow, we are going to take you through a complete troubleshooting guide that will make the black screen go away. Make sure you follow each method in order until you find a fix that works for you.

Method 1: Running Geforce Experience with Integrated Graphics

This following fix worked for me, so I’m going to feature it first. I’m not exactly sure why, but opening the application using the integrated graphics once, and then updating the Nvidia driver through Geforce Experience removed the black screen indefinitely. Here’s a quick guide to doing this:

Note: Use this method only if you’re sure that the black screen bug is not happening outside GeForce Experience. If other apps are affected, it’s highly recommended that you follow Method 2.

  1. On your desktop, right-click on Geforce Experience. Hover over Run with graphics processor and click on Integrated graphics.

  2. If Geforce Experience launched without displaying a black screen, click the Driver tab, then the Download button to update your dedicated driver through Geforce Experience.

    Note: If you’re still seeing a black screen, move straight to Method 2.

  3. Restart your computer, then try to open Geforce Experience normally by double-clicking. At this point, the issue was resolved on my computer. But if you’re still experiencing the black screen bug, follow through with the next steps.
  4. Right-click on Geforce Experience icon, hover over Run with graphics processor and click on Change default graphics processor.

  5. Under Program Settings, make sure GeForce Experience is selected from the program list. Then, click the drop-down menu below and instead of Use global settings set it to Integrated graphics. Hit Apply to confirm your selection.

That’s it. If the black screen was only restricted to GeForce Experience, this will fix your issue indefinitely. Running GeForce Experience with integrated graphics won’t affect your PC’s in-game performance. If anything, it will spare your dedicated graphics card from having to process additional information.

But as I’ve said before, this is only effective if you’re experiencing the black screen bug exclusively in GeForce Experience. If other programs are also affected, follow Method 2.

Yöntem 2: Tümleşik Grafik Sürücüsünü Geri Alma

Siyah ekran hatası Chrome, Office 365 veya Dosya Gezgini gibi diğer programlarda meydana gelirse, büyük olasılıkla özel grafik sürücüsü ile tümleşik sürücü arasında bir çelişki vardır. Birçok kullanıcı, grafik sürücüsünü önceki bir sürüme geri döndürmenin sorunu kalıcı olarak çözmeyi başardığını bildirdi. İşte yapmanız gerekenler:

  1. Çalıştır komutunu açmak için Windows tuşu + R'ye basın . " Devmgmt.msc " yazın ve Aygıt Yöneticisi'ni açmak için Enter tuşuna basın.

  2. Ekran bağdaştırıcıları altında , tümleşik grafik kartınıza sağ tıklayın ve Özellikler'i seçin .

  3. Sürücü sekmesini seçin , ardından Sürücüyü Geri Al'a tıklayın .

    Not: Tümleşik grafik sürücüsünü başarılı bir şekilde geri aldıysanız, sorununuz şimdi düzeltilmelidir. Değilse, sonraki adımları izleyin.

  4. Eğer Sürücü Geri düğmesi devre dışı olur, Kaldırma Cihazı tıklayın ve tamamen entegre sürücüyü kaldırın.

  5. Çevrimiçi bir arama yapın ve entegre grafik kartınız için en son sürümü indirin. Intel entegre kartına sahip olma şansınız yüksek, bu nedenle sürücüyü resmi web sitelerinden indirdiğinizden emin olun.

  6. Sürücüyü sisteminize yükleyin ve sonunda yeniden başlatın.
  7. Nvidia Experience'ı açın. Siyah ekran hatası ortadan kaldırılmalıdır.